Self Care Essentials We Can’t Live Without In Lockdown

Not only have we taken to over indulging again this year, (Covid or no Covid it was still Christmas and we still ate and drank too much) we are all in the middle of not just the usual glum of January but another joyous lockdown.

Yes…there may have been tears and cries of despair in the last few weeks, that has just been unavoidable. We are once again trying to figure out what is going to get us through the coming months. So, with the studio closed and all of us working from home, the Iggy & Burt team have of course, been discussing our essentials for getting through another month.


Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May

We kick of our list, with a book we will be featuring this winter on Iggy’s Bookclub.

Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May

If ever there as a time to give this book a go it would be now. Through isolation and the depths of winter, this book offers a poignant and comforting meditation on the fallow periods of life, times when we must retreat to care for and repair ourselves. With a collection of essays, Katherine May thoughtfully shows us how to come through these times.

 Buy Now, £9.99


skincare for lockdown

A New and Improved Skin Care Regime

This doesn’t have to be a 9-step perfect routine but by creating a ritual of spending those 10 – 15 minutes on your face locked away in the bathroom is ultimately carving out some time just for you. Away from your home office come living room. Away from the demands of children and chores and just perhaps some time away from the other half who you currently spend every waking moment with. Even if you don’t have those home extras to deal with, pop a morning or evening podcast on whilst you a take the time to care for you.

Something as simple as this can help start and end the day right and stop you from working the moment you wake up, because although some of us rejoice in no longer having that morning commute, most of us are working longer and harder at home. Check out our favourite natural and sustainable skin care brands to kick start you off.


At home workouts

Build a Mixture of Workout Apps

With gyms closed, walks just not cutting it and the cold weather hampering your running plans, exercise apps will be a life saver. Some of our favourites are Down Dog, Nike Run and the Sweat app. The upside, a combination of apps will likely be cheaper than any gym membership you will get.


Bath bombs

The Mother of all Baths

End the day with the most pampered bath you can imagine, whether that is hooking up an Ipad with your latest Netflix obsession…ahem Bridgerton anyone? Or a simple glass of wine, a candle or your favourite bath bomb.

We are loving the organic handmade bath bombs from Quintessentially English and Tisserand Aromatherapy’s Paradise bath oil. Tisserand have partnered with National Geographic on a range of bath oils to help you ‘escape to the most blissful corners of the world.’ A percentage of the money from the sales goes to aid the work of the society and the packaging is both recycled and recyclable.


Rick Stein Eating at home

Go Big at Meal times

Yes we miss restaurants, cafes and bars, the atmosphere, the change in setting and wearing something other than leggings. So what about re-creating some of that at home.

Make the most of your kitchen at lunchtime and make yourself something a little bit special to break up your day. Or order in a fancy dinner to mark getting through another week, check out Rick Stein’s food boxes for restaurant dining at home.


Crafts with Iggy & Burt

It’s time for Craft

Whether you are the creative type or not, getting crafty is a great way to take your mind off things for a bit. Let’s be honest despairing about the state of world when watching the news was unbearable in the first lockdown, let alone reliving it for what is it now, our third lockdown?

Whether your choice is knitting, crocheting, watercolour painting or line drawing. It is therapeutic and calming to focus on creating something. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy but setting yourself a little project and throwing yourself into it can do wonders. Crafting has been proven to help with insomnia, reduce irritability and restlessness as well as reducing stress. Head over to our pinterest board for some more craft ideas from across the web.  


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