Easy and Quick Pancake Recipes



Traditional Crepes


Lemon wedges

Caster sugar

100g Plain flour

300 ml Milk

1 tbsp Sunflower or vegetable oil


  1. Put 100g plain flour, 2 large eggs, 300 ml milk, 1 tbsp sunflower or vegetable oil and a pinch of salt into a bowl or large jug, then whisk to a smooth batter.
  1. Set aside for 30 mins to rest if you have time, or start cooking straight away.
  1. Set a medium frying pan or crepe pan over a medium heat and carefully wipe it with some oiled kitchen paper.
  1. When hot, cook your pancakes for 1 min on each side until golden, keeping them warm in low oven as you go.
  1. Serve with either lemon wedges and caster sugar or nutella and bananas, or your favourite filling.

*** Once cold, you can layer the pancakes between baking parchment then wrap in cling film and freeze for up to 2 months. ***

 Wholemeal Pancakes


Wholemeal Vegan Pancakes


300g Wholemeal flour

1 tsp Baking powder

1 tbsp Vanilla extract

1tbsp Sugar (any kind)

400 ml Plant-based milk (such as oat, almond or soya)

1 Tablespoon of coconut oil

To serve add banana slices, maple syrup and nut butter


  1. Whisk the flour, baking powder, sugar, vanilla extract and a pinch of salt in a bowl using a balloon whisk until mixed. Slowly pour in the milk until you get a smooth, thick batter.
  1. Heat a little of the oil in a non-stick frying pan over a medium-low heat, and add 1-2 tbsp batter into the pan at a time to make small, round pancakes. You will need to do this in batches of two – three at a time.
  1. Cook for 3-4 mins until the edges are set, and bubbles are appearing on the surface. Flip the pancakes over and cook for another 2-3 mins until golden on both side and cooked through. Keep warm in a low oven while you cook the remaining pancakes.
  1. Serve stacked with lots of toppings of your choice, or serve with bowls of toppings for everyone to help themselves.


American Pancakes

Fluffy American Pancakes


200g Self raising flour

1 ½ tsp Baking powder

1 tbsp Golden caster sugar

3 Large eggs

25g Melted butter, plus extra for cooking

200 ml Milk

Vegetable oil, for cooking


  1. Mix the flour, baking powder, caster sugar and a pinch of salt together in a large bowl.
  1. Create a well in the centre with the back of your spoon then add the eggs, melted butter and milk. Whisk together either with a balloon whisk or electric hand beater until smooth then pour into a jug.
  1. Heat a small knob of butter and 1 tsp of oil in large, non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. When the butter looks frothy pour in rounds of the batter, approximately 8 cm wide.
  1. Make sure you don’t put the pancakes too close together as they will spread during cooking. Cook the pancakes on their first side for about 1-2mins or until lots of tiny bubbles start to appear and pop on the surface. Flip the pancakes over and cook for a further minute on the other side. Repeat until all the batter is used up.
  1. Serve the pancakes stacked up on a plate with a drizzle of maple syrup and any of your chosen toppings.

BBC Good Food


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