5 Quick Tips For Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

5 Quick Tips For Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions

From starting a yoga class to saving more, the New Year is often the time to reflect on the previous year and make promises and positive changes for your year ahead. 

We all know that New Year’s resolutions do not have the best success rate. Some of us are more jaded by the repetitive cycle of failure, promising to stay clear of resolutions completely.

Rather than giving up hope this year, the Iggy & Burt team have got their heads together to come up with the best ways to actually make your New Year’s resolutions stick this year.


  1. Define your reason

Ask yourself why are you making this resolution? Do you harbour a fear of some kind that is driving the need for a change?

If you’re the person who exclaims that you are finally going to get in shape this year, think about your reasons why you want to do that. Are you fed up of hiding away from a camera at any event you go to for fear of what you will look like in the picture? Do you want to start feeling more positive about your body and the way you look? Are you doing it for a calmer mind and a happier outlook?

There is really no point in making a change for a specific date or event, but defining the overarching reason why you want that change will be what drives you to actually keeping it up. It’s what you will be reminding yourself of everyday.


  1. Give yourself a financial commitment

There are now websites out there like stick.com, a website dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and resolutions, by using monetary incentives.

When money is involved, you can physically see and feel exactly what you are loosing if you don’t commit to the change you are making. That is a huge incentive, no one wants to see money leaving their account if they can help it.


  1. Create a strategy and routine

If you can plan a strategy or routine of how you are actually going to make progress on your resolution, you’re not focusing so much on the end of goal, but more on a daily process of the habit that you got you there.


  1. Track your progress

This is very much dependent on what your resolution is, but if you find a visual way to track how you are getting on you will more likely stick to it. Seeing physical evidence of change regularly is hard to argue with.


  1. Start Small

Be realistic. Visualising building a wall, you won’t really get anywhere unless you lay the first brick and then build the foundation. Starting small with something that you know you would be able to keep up is the best start to any major life change.

If you have committed to being healthier and over-hauling your nutrition for 2020 then your best start to this huge resolution could be drinking a pint of water when you make up every morning. Looks less daunting and lot more achievable when you start this small.

Check out more from Beauty & Wellness in our Online Journal.


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